Thursday, September 08, 2005

Two steps in the wrong direction

None of my gay friends actually grew up wanting to be gay. Plain and simple. Who wants to grow up and be harassed? Don't answer that, it's rhetorical. We are who we are, period.

Our brilliant California governor (I use "brilliant" sarcastically) is now going to veto a same-sex marriage bill because, according to him, it would conflict with the intent of voters when they approved an initiative five years ago. Five years ago! Times change, people change, we learn from each other, and this is the best argument the governor can think of... ugh. I'm disappointed yet again by potential progress that has slipped away.

I understand the traditions of marriage being between man-woman, but I also feel strongly that gays/lesbians should have and deserve rights like any human being. These are people like you and me who deserve equal opportunities.

I have seen the governor's movies but let me give my two cents: I didn't vote for this guy and I smell trouble ahead.


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