Thursday, October 20, 2005

Spam unites strangers

I was met with a lovely message in my work inbox Wednesday from someone I've never met: I can't read these things at my work. Please don't send anymore. I don't even know who you are, but I keep getting mail from you. Beneath her note she had forwarded a message from MY address that read: Please read the important document. A note I would never send without a hello or goodbye.

It took a moment to let the message digest. Who, what, why are these messages being sent? I am notorious for locking or shutting down my computer when away from my desk, so it must be some kind of wacky-virus-computer-thing issue. I clearly had no clue. I replied to the message, apologized and cc'd her on a note to our IT department.

In the meantime, this stranger and I shared a string of discussion about spam and work. She made the spam-fighting effort on both our parts worth it by replying to one message: Thank you so much for addressing this. I don't know you, but I like you already. Who knew that two lines was all it took to make my day?!

I later received word from IT that a machine was infected with a worm that was sending spam mail through its contact list. All was fixed but who knows how many other people are receiving odd messages from legitimate addresses. I don't have the answer but I know this: I'm never throwing away the kind reply from my spam-fighting acquaintance.


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