Thursday, December 22, 2005

Hello and goodbye... and hello again

The good stuff of everyday living, that place where we are most content and secure, is found in the middle of our relationships, careers, and education, to name a few. This year I learned that it’s often the hellos and goodbyes that outline how the good stuff begins, ends and changes us.

At the beginning of the year, I said goodbye to a witty, intelligent guy who showed me that after a year he wasn't ready for a serious relationship. It was a fantastic year. I learned that I was capable of loving deeply. I also learned that I was strong enough to say goodbye for reasons that mattered.

Mid-year I learned that a family friend was one step closer to losing her battle with breast cancer. I mentally prepared for the inevitable goodbye. After years of struggle, a strong fight, her body decided it was enough. I had no choice but to say goodbye when she passed away. I think of her often.

Last month, I said hello to a college ex I hadn't seen in two years. He was always a good guy, he just wasn't the right one for me. We picked up where we left off on better footing, covering unanswered questions, and moving on as friends. I met up with him last week for a movie and drinks, helping him answer his dating dilemma questions throughout the evening. We fit well as platonic buddies. Hello again, friend.

This month I'm mentally preparing for another goodbye, one close to my heart. My uncle is losing his battle with Leukemia and has already prepared himself for the end. I'm not prepared. I'm trying to stay strong and find that mental zone where I can help my parents through this difficult time while trying to face losing yet another person I dearly love and respect. I'm not ready to say my final goodbye but I’m beginning to accept it.

I say hello to 2006 with the lessons I’ve learned this past year. I look forward to a year of endless possibilities, new beginnings and, of course, inevitable endings. Most importantly, I look forward to the good stuff in the middle.


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