Thursday, December 08, 2005

Something is missing

Here is a quote from a story that disturbs me, said to a crowd of 2,600 yesterday:

I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am.

This was said by Ann Coulter, a conservative columnist speaking at the University of Connecticut.

It does not matter what side of the political fence one leans, this was a very unprofessional, immature way to address and handle an audience; even a jeering one. In all fairness, it is equally disturbing that pies were thrown at Ann during a 2004 speech she made at a different college.

I just wish I could understand why we don’t try harder to be civilized. It is disheartening that professionalism, integrity and maturity are words I rarely see put into action by public figures nowadays. Something is missing.


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